The Devil Wears Prada 2 might be upon us, yes. We’re possibly getting a sequel to the iconic 2000s fashion film that brought fashion into the mainstream. Now, this information comes from Puck News and Lauren Sherman, a dynamic duo in the fashion reporting world that has taken the industry by storm.

I suggest you follow her and Puck News if you don’t already. So, Sherman reported that allegedly Wendy Finerman, who was the original producer of The Devil Wears Prada, has gotten the go-ahead from Disney to work on the second one, and that allegedly Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt have signed on to do it, but no word about Anne Hathaway. The premise of the second movie would be about the fall of the magazine industry.

Do I really want a sequel? Probably not, and I did read the book by Lauren Weisberger, Revenge Wears Prada, and I did not enjoy, but what do you all think?